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Mission & Philosophy

The path from childhood to adolescence brings new struggles in all realms—academic, personal, and social. We provide our students with the guidance, support, and encouragement that they need to achieve independence, positive self-expression, and academic and individual success. Paragon Prep stresses the importance of student responsibility, self-discipline, goal setting, and teamwork.

Paragon strives to help students:

  • Master essential core knowledge – Our academic foundation consists of reading, composition, mathematics, history, citizenship, logic, and science. Paragon students work to master these concepts in order to build the background necessary for advanced study in high school and beyond.
  • Learn to think logically and independently – Students must value their academic abilities and opinions, have confidence in their problem-solving skills, and be excited by the results. Our teachers encourage students to develop their academic confidence by requiring thoughtful oral and written answers and carefully written essays.
  • Value honesty, self-reliance, and respect for others – We expect students to exhibit honesty by completing their own classwork and homework. Students also must respect the diverse opinions and values of their classmates and faculty.
  • Apply their learning to real-world situations – Classes at Paragon Prep are grounded in both comprehension and application. Students benefit from applying the skills and concepts that they learn in practical, hands-on ways, such as being responsible for the political and economic development of an emerging republic or designing model portfolios for a stock market simulation.